If Employment campaign
https://youtu.be/kmXeW2NF09k https://youtu.be/_Gn1RV4OvCM https://youtu.be/nhTQfLx_cmk https://youtu.be/4ZI4XfE5uGc
https://youtu.be/kmXeW2NF09k https://youtu.be/_Gn1RV4OvCM https://youtu.be/nhTQfLx_cmk https://youtu.be/4ZI4XfE5uGc
Play Play Play Previous Next Customer: IF P&C Insurance Work: ATL How to attract professional .NET programmers when actually there are none? Convert them from a different programming religion – JAVA. Hey, Javist! Do you have time to speak about Dotnetism? You do? Great!
Previous Next Customer: IF P&C Insurance Work: POS In a world where every IT employer is looking for IT superheroes, we started to look for humans. The #mosthumanIT was born. And that’s how an insurance company becomes attractive for IT people.
Previous Next Customer: IF P&C Insurance Work: POS If’s Kasko is not the cheapest. The benefits are hard to explain. What to do? When there are potholes all over the city, If KASKO gathers all the people, who are unified in their anger and then comes to their rescue. For a good price.